After reuniting with Lorec, the four companions wait in Ebon Hold for another couple of days while they compare notes and hold out hope for Marlowe’s team to emerge from Fenwylde Forest. Their hopes are soon dashed when there’s no sign of the others and, fearing the worst, Lorec suggests they travel south to Thaeris… Read More

Heading through the familiar areas of Fenwylde Forest, Lorec makes his way to the half-elf settlement of Woodhaven, his hometown. There he meets with Elder Kalian, who listens with great interest as Lorec tells the tale of sprites, centaurs and gnomes fighting for survival against an overwhelming werewolf threat! After thinking awhile, Kalian solemnly suggests… Read More

It turns out that the centaurs are all too familiar with the werewolf threat that troubles the people of the forest. Having hoped to drive out the infestation themselves, they underestimated their opponents’ cunning and now find themselves beset by a ruthless force. Desperate for aid, Mavis humbly asks for their help in defeating the… Read More