Moonlight Masquerade Although the threat of imminent attack remains, the four adventurers join the people of Ebon Hold as they take the time to celebrate a centuries old tradition that has gained worldwide popularity: the Moonlight Masquerade! Visit us on Patreon to join the adventure!… Read More
Making Plans Areya and Septimus take a moment to pray and beseech their separate deities for a blessing, asking for guidance as they sense the darkness looming before them. As always, the divine power of Lord Solarian and Lady Allura fills the two clerics with hope and a sense of peace that exudes from them like a… Read More
Seeking Aid Eager to expand their alliance further, Lorec and Joren take some time to meet with Glim back in Fenwylde Forest. With their goals already aligned, it takes very little convincing to get the gnome to join their cause and help with recruiting additional allies. With that taken care of, the duo departs from Fenwylde Forest… Read More