June 28, 2017 | Leave a comment After reuniting with Lorec, the four companions wait in Ebon Hold for another couple of days while they compare notes and hold out hope for Marlowe’s team to emerge from Fenwylde Forest. Their hopes are soon dashed when there’s no sign of the others and, fearing the worst, Lorec suggests they travel south to Thaeris for help in finding the other team. With no objections, the heroes make their way south on horseback with great speed! During their journey, Melora becomes lost in thinking about the scroll Glen gave to her, which indicated that she should travel to Thaeris if she wished to improve her magical abilities enough to gain entrance to the Arcane Academy. The trip is shorter than expected due to the surprisingly swift mounts they procured, however such splendid animals require rest to perform so magnificently. As the team begins setting up camp before they press on the final leg of their trip, Lorec’s keen ranger eyes detect a small figure approaching in the distance. The dwarf advances with a friendly tip of his helmet, greeting the four and quickly introducing himself as Regnak. Visit us on Patreon to join the adventure!