Eager to expand their alliance further, Lorec and Joren take some time to meet with Glim back in Fenwylde Forest. With their goals already aligned, it takes very little convincing to get the gnome to join their cause and help with recruiting additional allies. With that taken care of, the duo departs from Fenwylde Forest and travels southeast to the Dwarven city of Thaeristad.

Vexed and unsure of how to proceed, Melora finally confides in Marlowe about the powerful item that she recovered after her battle with the Witch. After a thorough examination the old wizard concludes that the Black Wand is clearly dangerous, advising her to proceed with caution before attempting to use it. At his insistence, she resolves to speak with Areya and Septimus in order to determine whether or not the magical relic can be safely controlled.

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