Lorec and Areya make their way to the nearest tree in an attempt to climb it and remain undetected. The werewolves begin to approach the tree they’re hiding in and Areya, terrified, takes out the Gem of Andros as she whispers a quick prayer… Without warning, the tree they are in flares up in a blinding light! The duo lose sight of the predators below them and, when daylight returns, they decide to climb down and investigate.


Between their melee and magic, Melora and Joren defeat the spiders easily and complete the rest of their trip to Ebon Hold without further incident. After asking the locals where they might find some lodging, the tired travelers are given directions to a nearby establishment. They make their way to the Inn of the Gilded Falcon where they are able to procure two beds for a reasonable price. After talking with some townsfolk, they find out there’s a problem with the nearby mine and the town magistrate is offering a reward for anyone willing to help. Weary from a long journey, they resolve to offer their services in the morning and retire for the evening. After a brief, but exciting trip, the monk and the sorceress drift off into a peaceful rest, unaware of what adventures the next day will have in store for them!

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